JobScheduler comes with the following user interfaces:
which provides information about daily work plans - what will run today, what has been executed, what executions were late, what is scheduled for tomorrow etc.
which provides a web-based interface for starting and monitoring jobs, job chains and orders in real time.
which is used to manage JobScheduler objects such as jobs, job chains, orders, Schedules etc.
JID uses information directly from the database and is therefore independent of any JobScheduler whose work plans it calls up.
While JobScheduler does not have user administration, authentication can be added for JOC and JOE. See:
- How to start JOC with restricted permissions
- JOE - Authentication and Authorisation
- How to set-up JID with login
Feature in detail
How To ... Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
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See also
- Our JobScheduler Quickstart handbook which provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to create a simple job chain and order.