I can't see a job or job chain in the Planned tab
The jobs and job chains which are listed in the Planned tab are the result of a database query.
This query is filtered by the following values:
- from and to date
- JobSchedulerId
- Items in the list's contex menu
- Jobs
- Job chains
- Late
- Today
- Executed
- Waiting
- Search
Depending on what filters are set, it may happen that the list is empty.
If you have an empty list the check the filters.
Please open the context menu in the list of the Planned tab.
The entries _Jobs_ or _Job chains_ have to be activated. Click on the _Reset_ item which reset a current _Search_ and deactivate the _Late_, _Today_, _Executed_ and _Waiting_ filter
- Make sure that the from date is older or equal the to date.
If the list is still empty then ...
- you don't have a scheduled job or order between the selected from/to interval.
the job /sos/dailyschedule/ didn't run in the JobScheduler.
This job creates the plan for the next 10 days. It should run for one time each day.
I can't see a job or job chain in the History tab
The jobs and job chains which are listed in the History tab are filtered like the Planned tab list (see above).
These filter are:
- from and to date
- JobSchedulerId
- Items in the list's contex menu
- Jobs
- Job chains
- Running
- With error
- Today
- Search
If you have an empty list the check the filters.
Please open the context menu in the list of the History tab.
The entries _Jobs_ or _Job chains_ have to be activated. Click on the _Reset_ item which reset a current _Search_ and deactivate the _Running_, _With error_ and _Today_ filter
- Make sure that the from date is older or equal the to date.
If the list is still empty then no job or order has run between the selected from/to interval.