Planning Workflow
The Planning Workflow takes place before the development of a feature starts. The Planning Workflow starts always with an Open state and ends either with an Accepted or Deferred state. It is exactly there, when one of these last both states is reached, where the Development Worfklow starts:
Detailed information about Planning Workflow is available here: Release Policy - Planning
Development Workflow
The Development Workflow takes place between the Planning Workflow and the Deprecation Workflow. Even though, it only takes place, in case the states Accepted or Deferred in the Planning Workflow have been reached:
Detailed information about Development Workflow is available here: Release Policy - Development
Deprecation Workflow
The Deprecation Workflow is the life end for a feature. It takes place after the feature was Released and it goes through three states before it is Removed from the releases:
Detailed information about the Deprecation Workflow is available here: Release Policy - Deprecation