Maintainer Note
SAP integration as outlined below is intended for interoperability with SAP R3 systems. This will not become available for JS1, i.e. for JobScheduler 1.x releases.
Instead, the JS7 branch of JobScheduler will integrate with the SAP Job Scheduler REST Service API that is available for SAP S/4 HANA®, for details see JS7 - JITL SAP Jobs.
- Status
- Proposed Integration Scenario
- Integration with SAP NetWeaver
- Full support of the BC-XBP interface inclduding the functionality
- Job definition
- Job control
- Job deletion
- Starting jobs (using immediate start)
- Canceling active jobs
- Accessing information about jobs (status, logs, etc.)
- Accessing information about SAP Job Scheduling System resources
- Current Integration Scenarios
- In fact you can run jobs on the supported platforms that would access SAP modules by individually developed Java jobs that use SAP RFCs.
- Frequent scenarios include JobScheduler to be integrated by file watching for incoming and outgoing files.
- JobScheduler has been integrated with Tivoli Workload Scheduler Master for an SAP environment, see Controlling JobScheduler with a Tivoli Workload Scheduler Master. This solution is available and would replace TWS Agents by JobScheduler instances for improved flexibility.
- Community Effort
- This feature requires funding for development and for the commercial certification process
- Interested parties can support this feature by specifying requirements and by providing access to their SAP test environments