JADE records the file transfer history for all transfers and, if required, stores this information in a central file transfer history in a database. The file transfer history provides detailed information about each file transfer such as point in time, duration, individual files, source & target of a transfer and execution result. The file transfer history is visible by the JADE History Viewer:
The transfer history shows detailed information
- when a file transfer has been performed:
- If multiple transfers for the same files have been executed, e.g. due to transfer errors, then such transfers are grouped for better visibility.
- what files have been transferred:
- If file groups have been transferred, e.g. by use of wildcard filters, then the transfer history shows each file name.
- If files have been renamed between source system and target system then the transfer history the original file name and the resulting file name.
- where files have been transferred from and to:
- The source system and target system of a transfer is resolved to show host names and IP addresses.
- Should jump hosts have been used then the same applies information is provided for servers in the DMZ.
- about the execution result:
- If a file transfer was successful for all files or for some files out of a group of files.
The transfer history is created by the JADE Client and is processed by the JADE Background Service.
- The JADE Client stores the transfer history:
- The history is maintained by the JADE Client in a CSV file.
- The JADE Background Service can be configured to collect the transfer history from JADE Clients:
- The transfer history is added to the JADE database.
- Notifications are created based on the execution result of file transfers.
- The JADE Background Service History Viewer is used to present the transfer history:
- It allows easy access to the transfer history by search functions and filters.
- It displays all details of the transfer history.
- It can be used for ongoing monitoring of the transfer history as transfer information is constantly being added.
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