- The Try/Catch Instruction adds error handling to a number of job nodes in a workflow.
- If one of the jobs in the Try block fails, then the jobs in the Catch block are executed and those in the Try block are skipped.
- If a job in a Catch block fails, then the order is considered being failed.
- An empty Catch block can be used to force the successful outcome of order execution.
Feature Video
This video explains how to automate the handling of job errors in workflows.
Workflow Instruction: Try/Catch
- Download Workflow Example (.json upload): pdwTryCatch.json
- If the first or second job within the Try block fails then the jobs in the Catch block will be executed and those in the Try block will be skipped.
- If the jobs in the Catch block are executed successfully then the order will continue with the instruction after the Try-End node and otherwise the order will fail and will be halted in the Catch block.
- An empty Catch block indicates successful outcome and makes an order move to the next instruction.
Further Resources
How To ... Instructions
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