Log files include data which is considered sensitive by a number of users. This includes:
- Hostnames, IP Addresses, Ports
- Accounts
- Database Names
There are situations where log files should be anonymized before forwarding to a 3rd party, to the SOS Ticketing System or to a public forum to receive community support.
JS7 allows logs to be anonymized by replacing sensitive data with placeholders:
2022-05-14T11:27:27,026 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ControllerApiContext - connect ControllerApi of 'testsuite' cluster (https://controller-2-0-primary:4443, https://controller-2-0-seconda 2022-05-14T11:27:27,829 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - start Proxy of 'testsuite' cluster (https://controller-2-0-primary:4443, https://controller-2-0-secondary:4443) 2022-05-14T11:27:28,526 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ControllerApiContext - connect ControllerApi of 'standalone' (https://controller-2-0-standalone:4443) 2022-05-14T11:27:28,527 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - start Proxy of 'standalone' (https://controller-2-0-standalone:4443) 2022-05-14T11:27:31,343 INFO JControllerProxy-42 c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - 'standalone' (https://controller-2-0-standalone:4443): ProxyCoupled(1652478862797000) 2022-05-14T11:27:32,908 INFO JControllerProxy-41 c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - 'testsuite' cluster (https://controller-2-0-primary:4443, https://controller-2-0-secondary:4443): ProxyCoupled(1652520420689258)
2022-05-14T11:27:27,026 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ControllerApiContext - connect ControllerApi of 'testsuite' cluster (https://<host>:<port>) 2022-05-14T11:27:27,829 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - start Proxy of 'testsuite' cluster (https://<host>:<port>) 2022-05-14T11:27:28,526 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ControllerApiContext - connect ControllerApi of 'standalone' (https://<host>:<port>) 2022-05-14T11:27:28,527 INFO main c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - start Proxy of 'standalone' (https://<host>:<port>) 2022-05-14T11:27:31,343 INFO JControllerProxy-42 c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - 'standalone' (https://<host>:<port>): ProxyCoupled(1652478862797000) 2022-05-14T11:27:32,908 INFO JControllerProxy-41 c.s.j.c.p.ProxyContext - 'testsuite' cluster (https://<host>:<port>): ProxyCoupled(1652520420689258)
Log Anonymizer Script
Anonymization is available from a Java class and is invoked by a shell script available at the following default locations:
# JOC Cockpit /opt/ # Controller /opt/ # Agent /opt/
@rem JOC Cockpit C:\Program Files\\js7\joc\jetty\bin\anonymize-logs.cmd @rem Controller C:\Program Files\\js7\controller\bin\anonymize-logs.cmd @rem Agent C:\Program Files\\js7\agent\bin\anonymize-logs.cmd
Usage: [Options] Options: -l | --log-file=<log-file> | optional: location of log files to be anonymized; a single file, directory or wildcards can be specified; the argument can occur any number of times -o | --output-dir=<directory> | optional: output directory for anonymized log files -r | --rules-file=<rules-file> | optional: path to a YAML file holding rules for anonymization; by default built-in rules will be applied -e | --export-rules=<rules-file> | optional: path to a YAML file to which built-in rules will be exported
- Options
-l | --log-file=<log-file>
: Specifies the location of the log file(s) to be anonymized.- This option can be specified repeatedly for a number of files. Wildcards can be specified and directories can be specified if all included files are to be anonymized.
- Plain text log files with the .log file extension and compressed log files with the .gz file extension are considered - see the JS7 - Log Rotation article.
- Anonymized log file names are prefixed with the string:
- By default anonymized log files are stored in the directory in which original log files are found.
-o | --output-dir=<directory>
: Optionally specifies the output directory in which anonymized log files are to be stored. If this argument is omitted then anonymized log files are stored in their original directory.-r | --rules-file=<rules-file>
: Optionally specifies the location of a file in YAML format that holds the rules to be applied for anonymization.-e | --export-rules=<rules-file>
: Optionally specifies the location of a file in YAML format to which the built-in rules for anonymization will be exported.
Rules include specifying regular expressions for searching and related placeholders as replacements. The built-in rules cover typical configuration items such as URLs, IP addresses, Host names etc.
- Users can export the built-in rules to a file to verify available rules and expressions.
- Users can add individual rules to a file that is used when invoking the Log Anonymizer Script. It is recommended that individual files are validated as being YAML compliant.
rules: - item: url-component search: ://(.*):(\d{2,5}) replace: - <host> - <port> - item: ip-address search: (([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])) replace: - <ip-address> - item: host-install search: host[\s]*=[\s]*(.*) replace: - <host>
- Each
specifies an expression tosearch
for and toreplace
. - The
expression makes use of capturing groups specified by( ... )
. - The
placeholder specifies a number of strings that replace the content of related capturing groups.
The following examples illustrate typical use cases. --log-file=/var/
- Creates an anonymized version of the log file in the same directory with the name:
anonymized-controller.log --log-file=/var/ \ --log-file=/var/ \ --output-dir=/tmp/logs
- Creates anonymized versions of the indicated log files in the given output directory:
/tmp/logs/anonymized-joc-debug.log --log-file=/var/* \ --output-dir=/tmp/logs
- Creates anonymized versions of the log files indicated from the given directory. The wildcard specifies any log files carrying a name that starts with
will be used. - The wildcard includes consideration of plain text log files with the .log file extension and also consideration of compressed log files with a .gz file extension.
- Anonymized log files are stored in the output directory. --export-rules=/tmp/rules.yaml
- The build-in rules are exported to a file in YAML format.
- This file can be used to adjust rules and can be applied for anonymization later on. --log-file=/var/*.log \ --output-dir=/tmp/logs \ --rules-file=/tmp/rules.yaml
- Creates anonymized versions of all log files in the indicated directory and stores them in the output directory.
- A YAML file with individual rules is applied.
Running Log Anonymizer outside of JS7
Users who wish to run the Log Anonymizer outside of a JS7 installation can:
- copy a number of Java related files as available from the Controller or Agent installation,
- create a shell script to invoke the Log Anonymizer.
Java related Files required by Log Anonymizer
The following files can be found in a Controller or Agent installation for Unix or Windows.
- Note that version numbers of binary files can change over time. The examples below assume binary files as provided with Release 2.4.0.
- Users can copy the following Java related files from the .
./lib/sos, ./lib/stdout
directories to the location where they want to use Log Anonymizer:
./lib/sos/sos-commons-util-2.4.0.jar ./lib/stdout/log4j2.xml ./lib/3rd-party/commons-io-2.7.jar ./lib/3rd-party/org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-api-2.17.2.jar ./lib/3rd-party/org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-core-2.17.2.jar ./lib/3rd-party/org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.2.jar ./lib/3rd-party/org.slf4j.slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar ./lib/3rd-party/snakeyaml-1.30.jar
Shell Script to run Log Anonymizer
An individual script to invoke Log Anonymizer can look like this:
#!/bin/sh JAVA_BIN="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" test -x "${JAVA_BIN}" || JAVA_BIN="java" script_dir="$(echo $(dirname "$0") | cd > /dev/null && pwd)" cp="-classpath "${script_dir}/lib/sos/*:${script_dir}/lib/3rd-party/*:${script_dir}/lib/stdout"" "${JAVA_BIN}" ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${cp} com.sos.commons.util.loganonymizer.SOSLogAnonymizer $*
@echo off set JAVA_BIN=java.exe if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" set JAVA_BIN=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe set script_dir=%~dp0 set cp=-classpath "%script_dir%lib\sos\*;%script_dir%lib\3rd-party\*;%script_dir%lib\stdout" "%JAVA_BIN%" %JAVA_OPTIONS% %cp% com.sos.commons.util.loganonymizer.SOSLogAnonymizer %*
The directory hierarchy is assumed to look like this: | .cmd