If you wanted to use a connection to a SQL Server for JobScheduler with a Windows domain account then it could happen that you receive an error during set-up:
SQLException: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\USER'
The given userid that is used by this connection presents itself as a SQL\USER account, instead of a DOMAIN\USER account.
A check on the SQL Server indicates that the given userid that was used to establish the connection presents itself as a SQL\USER account, instead of a DOMAIN\USER account.
You can continue the set-up but the database tables will not be created and the JobScheduler doesn't start.
Follow these steps to fix the problem after the set-up
edit $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/sos_settings.ini
url = jdbc(:jtds):sqlserver://[servername]:1433;IntegratedSecurity=true;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=[databasename]
Then start $SCHEDULER_HOME\install\scheduler_install_tables.cmd to create the database tables.
edit $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/factory.ini
db = jdbc -class... jdbc(:jtds):sqlserver://[servername]:1433;IntegratedSecurity=true;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=[databasename] -user=... -password=...
edit $SCHEDULER_DATA/config/hibernate.cfg.xml
<property name"hibernate.connection.url">jdbc(:jtds):sqlserver://[servername]:1433;IntegratedSecurity=true;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=[databasename]</property>