The JobScheduler Command Line Interface (JCLI) can be used to control
JobScheduler instances (start, stop, status) and job-related objects
such as jobs, job chains, orders, tasks.
The JobScheduler CLI is implemented by a PowerShell Module that supports Windows PowerShell 2.0 and above.
The JobScheduler Command Line Interface is used for the following
areas of operation:
- work as a replacement for command scripts
- JobScheduler start script
:- provide operations for installing and removing the JobScheduler Windows service
- starting and stopping JobScheduler instances including active and passive clusters
- Job Editor (JOE) start script
- JobScheduler Dashboard (JID) start script
- JobScheduler Event script
- JobScheduler start script
- provide bulk operations:
- select jobs, job chains, orders and tasks
- manage orders with operations for start, stop and removal
- suspend and resume jobs, job chains and orders
- terminate tasks
- schedule jobs and orders:
- add orders to job chains
- start jobs
- manage Agents
- retrieve Agent clusters
- check Agent status
The PowerShell Command Line Interface is available from GitHub at