- In a remote configuration service (RCS) the supervising JobScheduler manages a central configuration directory (generally named remote) for transport (push) of JobScheduler object files to the Workload JobSchedulers (WJS).
- The objects that have to be deployed are stored in the subfolders of the folder named remote of the config folder of the supervising JobScheduler.
- There is a subfolder named _all the content of which will be pushed to all connected WJS.
- There could be other subfolders with a name that is created from <servername>#<portnumber> the content of which is pushed to the WJS running on <servername> and listening on <portnumber>. For every WJS a subfolder is expected and has to be created.
- In the configuration of a WJS the address of the RCS has to be customized.
- Once a Workload JobScheduler is started, it sends a registration message to the RCS via TCP/IP.
- The RCS then sends the current configuration objects from the RCS's remote directory with an internal command via TCP/IP to the WJS.
- The RCS then transfers the objects to the folder cache in the config folder of the WJS.
- Whenever a configuration file is changed in the remote directory of the RCS, it sends a message via UDP to all WJS to signal that the configuration has changed.
- Sometimes the signalling to the WJS might not work due to the UDP port (or UDP in general) being blocked by a firewall of the server, where the WJS is running.
- In JobScheduler versions older than 1.3.9 this is not logged to the JobScheduler log file.
- With releases 1.3.9 and newer a warning message is added to scheduler.log, if it is not possible for the RCS to send the 'configuration is changed' signal via UDP to a WJS:
SCHEDULER-474 Workload scheduler is not responding to UDP message since 2010-09-09 14:28:50.000 UTC (72s). Workload scheduler's configuration can not be updated.
- There is a panel in JOC where all the connected WJSs are listed.
See also
{"serverDuration": 56, "requestCorrelationId": "d7f592d8b5af93f7"}