Removal Using the Uninstaller
The Uninstaller $SCHEDULER_HOME/Uninstaller/uninstall.jar
is initialized by the setup program used to install the JobScheduler.
The Uninstaller is started using:
unix-shell> $SCHEDULER_HOME/Uninstaller/
windows-shell> $SCHEDULER_HOME\Uninstaller\uninstall.cmd
On Unix® the uninstaller ask for root permissions via sudo. If you have installed the JobScheduler without root permissions then the uninstaller won't need root permission either. In this case you type:
unix-shell> $SCHEDULER_HOME/Uninstaller/ -u
On Microsoft® Windows® a dialog box asks for the removal of the JobScheduler to be confirmed.
A database or database tables created for the JobScheduler must be deleted manually.
The SOS JobScheduler id=[scheduler_id] service on Microsoft Windows should be removed manually after uninstalling a JobScheduler. It is important to note here the correct [scheduler_id] - that is the ID specified during installation of the JobScheduler. It may be that after attempted removal a service will still be shown and marked as deactivated. In this case, the service will only be fully removed after the computer has been restarted. This can be verified by opening the service panel (Start->Run services.msc
If a service has only been deactivated, then a renewed installation of a JobScheduler with the same [scheduler_id] will only be possible after the computer has been restarted.
Manual Removal on Microsoft® Windows®
To manually remove a JobScheduler, it is necessary to open a shell (Start->Run cmd
) and then carry out the following steps.
Stop the JobScheduler
$SCHEDULER_HOME\bin\jobscheduler.cmd stop
An error message will be shown, if the JobScheduler has already been stopped. This message can be ignored.
Remove the JobScheduler Service
$SCHEDULER_HOME\bin\jobscheduler.cmd remove
Remove the database or database tables
The documentation for any database which may have been installed for the JobScheduler should be consulted for instructions as to its removal.Deregister the
program library (only for 32Bit $js;)regsvr32 /u $SCHEDULER_HOME\bin\hostole.dll
Delete all files and directories
Manual Removal on Unix®
To manually remove the JobScheduler, a shell should be opened and then the following steps carried out:
Stop the JobScheduler
An error message will be shown, if the JobScheduler has already been stopped. This message can be ignored.
- Remove the database or database tables
The documentation for any database which may have been installed for the JobScheduler should be consulted for instructions as to its removal. Delete all files and directories
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