YADE provides an API that allows to use the YADE Engine in any application that can execute Java .jar files, e.g. Scala, Groovy etc.
Using YADE with options from a settings file
An example how to include YADE as a component in your application, using the configuration form a YADE settings file:
JadeEngine objJadeEngine = new JadeEngine(); JADEOptions objOptions = objJadeEngine.Options() objOptions.settings.Value(strSettingsFile); // settings file name objOptions.profile.Value(pstrProfileName); // name of transfer profile objOptions.ReadSettingsFile(); objJadeEngine.Execute(); // start transfer objJadeEngine.Logout(); // logout and disconnect
Using YADE with options programmatically
A different example that configures YADE options programmaticaly:
public void testRenameMultipleFilesLocal() throws Exception { JadeEngine objJadeEngine = new JadeEngine(); JADEOptions objOptions = objJadeEngine.Options() objOptions.getConnectionOptions().Source().protocol.Value("local"); objOptions.file_spec.Value("^.*\\.txt$"); objOptions.local_dir.Value(strTestPathName + "/JADE/"); objOptions.operation.Value("rename"); objOptions.replacing.Value("(.*)(.txt)"); objOptions.replacement.Value("\\1_[date:yyyyMMddHHmm];\\2"); objJadeEngine.Execute(); objJadeEngine.Logout(); }
See also
- More Information on how to use the API is available at YADE API Reference Documentation
- For information about the YADE parameters see the YADE Parameter Reference Documentation