What is the smartest way to execute a command with JADE after a successful transfer?
The method we recommend depends on several factors:
- With the SFTP protocol you can use the parameters
- post_command for each file and
- post_transfer_commands at the end of the file transfer session.
The source_ and target_ prefixes for the above parameters allow to specify different commands for the source and the target hosts.
- Note that the SSH server has to be configured to allow JADE to open a shell.
Example for using pre and post commands programmatically
Example with Unix commands
objOptions.Target().Post_Command.Value("echo 'File: $TargetFileName' >> t.1;cat $TargetFileName >> t.1;rm -f $TargetFileName"); objOptions.Target().Pre_Command.Value("touch $TargetFileName");
Example for using pre and post commands by configuration
Example with Windows commands
[Copy_Local2Local_UNC_withNetUse] include=Copy_Local2Local_UNC preTransferCommands=net use //8of9.sos/c;net use //r2d2.sos/share
- With FTP you can set commands that can be executed by the FTP server, meaning that shell commands are not possible.
- Another possibility would be to use a job chain with JobScheduler and the file transfer JITL job.