The YADE Client is the main component in YADE. The client is not only responsible for file transfer and SSH command execution but can carry out customizable logging, send the transfer history to the YADE Background Service, enable an audit trail and provide error handling. The architecture of the YADE Client and its associated components is described in detail in the YADE Implementation Architecture.
The YADE Client is available for the following interfaces:
YADE Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface allows YADE to be operated directly from the command line or from batch files.
- The YADE Command Line Interface is used e.g. for integration with existing scripts and to replace direct calls to FTP and SFTP command line programs.
- The YADE Command Line Interface allows to change the file transfer behavior, e.g. switch of protocol from FTP to SFTP, without the need to modify existing scripts. Such modifications can be applied to a YADE configuration file and would not affect existing file transfer scripts.
The YADE API is used as a component for an individual application that requires file transfer capabilities.
- The YADE API makes the functionality of YADE available to any application running in a Java Virtual Machine.
- The YADE API provides access to classes and methods for individual handling of file transfer needs.
Seamless integration of YADE within the SOS JobScheduler using the JobScheduler's YADE JITL Jobs (part of the JobScheduler Integrated Template Library) means that the full range of the JobScheduler's workload automation capabilities can be used to:
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