The Command Line Interface allows YADE to be operated directly from the command line or from batch files.
The JADE Command Line Client provides the full functionality of the product:
- Use of the same functionality as other YADE Client interfaces.
- Use of the same parameterization by JADE File Transfer Profiles as other YADE Client interfaces.
- Integration with the components of the YADE Background Service Automation.
Starting the YADE Client from the command line
To start the YADE Client from the command line you would type: -settings=name_of_settings_file -profile=ftp_server_2_server
- It is possible to use additional parameters directly from the command line.
- Parameters specified in the command line will have precedence to parameters from a configuration file. -settings=name_of_settings_file -profile=ftp_server_2_server -source_user=xyz -source_password=abcdef -force_files=false
See also
- For information about the YADE parameters see the YADE Parameter Reference documentation
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