All the settings required for file transfer, i.e. host name, username, protocol etc., can be grouped in a profile and stored in a JADE configuration file.
Profiles are used to group the configuration items required for a file transfer:
- Use of profiles
- JADE supports a terrific number of file transfer parameters. Each parameter can be specified on the command line or as a job parameter. However, it would be a tedious task to create a where-used list to verfiy what parameters are used by what file transfer configuration.
- Profiles allow the grouping of configuration items that leverages command line usage. Specifying the JADE configuration file and the profile to be used is sufficient to effect a file transfer operation.
- Use of profile fragments
- Profiles can be divided into fragments, with "include" statements being used to assemble fragments together.
- Cascaded fragments allow individual configuration items as e.g. a host name to be specified just once and to be reused by a number of other fragments.
- Use with the command line and with JobScheduler
- If file transfer configurations are used with both the JADE Command line Interface and with the JobScheduler JADE JITL Job then it is preferable to store them in a central configuration file as a profile to make that profile reusable for both environments.
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