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Code Block
titleOrder History Report Job
@@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & set f=%RANDOM%.ps1 & @@findstr/v "^@@f^@@[fs].*&" "%~f0"|pwsh > !f! & powershell.exe -&goto:eofNonInteractive -File !f! & set e=!errorlevel! & del /q !f! & exit !e!/b&

Import-Module ImportExcel
Import-Module JS7

$credentials = ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'root', ( 'root' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) )
Connect-JS7 -Url $env:JS7_JOC_URL -Credentials $credentials -Id $env:JS7_CONTROLLER_ID | Out-Null

# Dates in local time zone, output includes local date format
Get-JSOrderHistory -Timezone (Get-Timezone) -RelativeDateFrom -3d `
                |  Select-Object -Property @{name="Controller ID"; expression={$_.controllerId}}, `
                                           @{name="History ID"; expression={$_.historyId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order ID"; expression={$_.orderId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Position"; expression={$_.position}}, `
                                           @{name="Workflow"; expression={$_.workflow}}, `
                                           @{name="History Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Planned Start Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.plannedTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Start Time"; expression={Get-Date $_.startTime}}, `
                                           @{name="End Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.endTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Duration (sec.)"; expression={ (New-Timespan -Start "$($_.startTime)" -End "$($_.endTime)").TotalSeconds }} `
                | Export-Excel -Path /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx -WorksheetName "Order-History" -ClearSheet

Write-Output ".. report created: /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx"				


  • Line 1: The job is executed with a Windows Agent and makes use of the PowerShell shebang for Windows, as explained above.
  • Line 3-4: The required PowerShell modules are imported. They could be installed in any location in the file system
  • Line 6-7: The Connect-JS7 cmdlet is used to authenticate with the JS7 REST Web Service API. The arguments required for -Url , -Credentials and -Id can specified in a number of ways:
  • Line 10: The Get-JS7OrderHistory cmdlet is invoked:
    • with the -Timezone parameter to specify which time zone the date values in the report should be converted to. The -Timezone (Get-Timezone) parameter value specifies that the time zone of the Agent's server is used. Otherwise specify the desired time zone, for example like this: -Timezone (Get-Timezone -Id 'GMT Standard Time'). Without using this parameter any date values are stored in the report as UTC dates.
    • with additional optional parameters, for example to specify the date or date range which the report is created for. A value -RelativeDateTo -3d specifies that the report should cover the last 3 days (until midnight). Keep in mind that dates have to be specified for the UTC time zone. Without this parameter the report will be created for the next day.
    • see the Get-JS7OrderHistory cmdlet cmdlet for a the full parameter reference.
  • Line 11-21: From the output of the Get-JS7OrderHistory cmdlet a number of properties are selected and are specified for the sequence in which they should occur in the report. 
    • To add more appropriate column headers the property names are mapped to a more readable textual representation.
    • Note the handling of date formats in lines 17-21. Use of the Get-Date cmdlet converts the output format of dates (not the time zone) to the default format which is in place on the Agent's server. Without using the Get-Date cmdlet any date values will be stored in the report in ISO format, e.g. 2020-12-31 10:11:12+02:00 for a date in the European central time zone that is UTC+1 in winter time and UTC+2 in summer time.
    • Line 21 introduces a new property, a calculated duration. From the start time and end time values of a planned start the difference in seconds is calculated and added to the report.
  • Line 22: The list of properties per Order History item is piped to the Export-Excel cmdlet which is available with the ImportExcel PowerShell Module. The report file name is specified and optionally the worksheet. For a full list of parameters see the ImportExcel PowerShell Module article.

Code Block
titleOrder History Report Job for a single Workflow
# Use the -WorkflowPath argument to specify the path or name of a workflow
Get-JSOrderHistory -WorkflowPath pdwScheduledWorkflow_001 -Timezone (Get-Timezone) -RelativeDateFrom -3d `
                |  Select-Object -Property @{name="Controller ID"; expression={$_.controllerId}}, `
                                           @{name="History ID"; expression={$_.historyId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order ID"; expression={$_.orderId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Position"; expression={$_.position}}, `
                                           @{name="Workflow"; expression={$_.workflow}}, `
                                           @{name="History Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Planned Start Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.plannedTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Start Time"; expression={Get-Date $_.startTime}}, `
                                           @{name="End Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.endTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Duration (sec.)"; expression={ (New-Timespan -Start "$($_.startTime)" -End "$($_.endTime)").TotalSeconds }} `
                | Export-Excel -Path /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx -WorksheetName "Order-History" -ClearSheet

Write-Output ".. report created: /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx"				

Code Block
titleOrder History Report Job for selected Workflows
# Create an array of objects holding the workflowPath property and the path or name of related workflow
$workflows = @()

$workflow = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'workflowPath' -value "pdwScheduledWorkflow_001" -InputObject $workflow
$workflows += $workflow

$workflow = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'workflowPath' -value "pdwScheduledWorkflow_002" -InputObject $workflow
$workflows += $workflow

$workflow = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name 'workflowPath' -value "pdwScheduledWorkflow_003" -InputObject $workflow
$workflows += $workflow

# Pipe the arry of objects to the cmdlet
$workflows | Get-JSOrderHistory -Timezone (Get-Timezone) -RelativeDateFrom -3d `
                |  Select-Object -Property @{name="Controller ID"; expression={$_.controllerId}}, `
                                           @{name="History ID"; expression={$_.historyId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order ID"; expression={$_.orderId}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Order Position"; expression={$_.position}}, `
                                           @{name="Workflow"; expression={$_.workflow}}, `
                                           @{name="History Status"; expression={$_.state._text}}, `
                                           @{name="Planned Start Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.plannedTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Start Time"; expression={Get-Date $_.startTime}}, `
                                           @{name="End Time"; expression={ Get-Date $_.endTime }}, `
                                           @{name="Duration (sec.)"; expression={ (New-Timespan -Start "$($_.startTime)" -End "$($_.endTime)").TotalSeconds }} `
                | Export-Excel -Path /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx -WorksheetName "Order-History" -ClearSheet

Write-Output ".. report created: /tmp/jobscheduler_reporting.xlsx"