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The JS7 - Controller Installation On Premises and JS7 - Controller Installation for Docker Containers articles explain the installation of Standalone Controllers.
- Title: An individual description that can be searched for.
- URL: The protocol HTTP or HTTPS, host name or IP address and port with which the Controller is accessible can be accessed from the JOC Cockpit.
- Test Connection: It is recommended that the connection between the JOC Cockpit and the Controller is tested.
- Users should consider note that firewalls can block access from the JOC Cockpit to a Controller.
- Use of a Proxy Service might require adjusting updating the URL.
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- Before deleting the Controller from the JOC Cockpit inventory:
- any Any Agents registered with the Controller should be shutdown and their journals should be removed:
- Agents can act autonomously and might continue to execute workflows for which orders are still available.
- An Agent's journal is Agents' journals are located in the the
sub-directory of its their configuration directory.
- the The Controller instance should be shutdown and its journal should be removed:
- Controllers act independently from of the JOC Cockpit and maintain network connections to Agents.
- A The Controller's journal is located in the the
sub-directory of its configuration directory.
- any Any Agents registered with the Controller should be shutdown and their journals should be removed:
- Deletion of a Controller does not remove workflows and other scheduling objects from the JOC Cockpit inventory.
- Scheduling objects can be deployed to any connected Controller.
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