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- Streaming makes job log output available to JOC Cockpit within 1s.
- Streaming allows a running log which translates to the fact that users observe ongoing log output of orders and jobs in the log view window.
- In case of missing connections:
- between Controller and Agent - the Agent stores log output in its journal and forwards logs when reconnected to a Controller later on.
- between JOC Cockpit and Controller - the Controller stores log output in its journal and forwards logs when reconnected to JOC Cockpit at a later point in time.
Log Files
A number of users prefer to have log files available for each order execution and job execution, for example to consolidate log files on a file server or to submit log files to specific tools for log analysis. Typical shortcomings of log file analysis include:
- Log analysis is useful but usually comes too late. It's more a reporting activity that is not intended to replace near-real time monitoring.
- Log analysis starts when the log is completed. In Unix environments parallel read and write operations on log files can occur.
- Log analysis is useful when it comes to parsing logs for unexpected output or errors. However, it might prove tedious to teach a log analyzer recovery of errors from log output in case of a job being successfully restarted for a specific order.
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