Page History
- Object names are added in a number of places for
- workflows, jobs, variables, locksresource locks, file order sources, job resources, folders,
- calendars, schedules. script includes
- The article explains naming rules to be considered when adding object names and labels.
- JS7 does not enforce naming conventions for objects: users are free to choose naming conventions at their will, e.g. for job names to use
- camel case style as in:
- mixed style as in:
- camel case style as in:
- Basically object names can consume up to 255 Unicode characters.
- The following restriction applies:
- Objects typically are located in folders: the overall length of the folder hierarchy and object name may not exceed 255 characters.
- Branches within a JS7 - Fork / Join Instruction are limited to 10 characters.
- Such branches Branches can be nested for up to 15 levels.
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