Page History
- The Identity Service Type determines if user accounts are managed from JOC Cockpit or from the Identity Provider, for example from an LDAP Server.
- The JS7 - JOC Identity Service offers to manage user accounts.
- The JS7 - HashiCorp® Vault Identity Service offers to manage user accounts if the
Identity Service Type is used.
- Operations to manage user accounts include to
- add a user account by assigning a name, password and roles,
- modify a user account by modifying the name, password or role assignments,
- delete a user account,
- enable/disable a user account,
- force password change for the next login of the user account,
- reset password for the user account.
- An initial password is applied that can be configured from JS7 - Identity Services, chapter: Global Settings.
- The default value for the initial password is:
- assign roles to the user account.
- Bulk operations are available to apply changes to a number of user accounts.
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