Page History
Error State | Description | |
Pending | no | Orders are added to workflows without specifying a start time, they can later on be picked up and assigned a start time. |
Scheduled | no | Orders are added to workflows and are scheduled for execution with at a later date and time. |
In Progress | no | Orders are processed by a workflow instruction such as Fork but by JS7 - Workflow Instructions but are not running with a job. |
Running | no | Orders for which a job was started, such orders are waiting for the job to complete. |
Suspended | no | Orders that have been halted on user intervention. |
Prompting | no | Orders are put on hold by the workflow and require confirmation to continue execution of the workflow. |
Completed | no | Orders that finished a workflow but are not automatically removed. |
Waiting | no | Orders that wait for a resource such as an Agent or a lock JS7 - Resource Locks. |
Blocked | yes | Orders that cannot start, e.g. due to a failed initial workflow instruction. |
Failed | yes | Orders for which a job failed or that have been halted with the Fail workflow instructionthe JS7 - Fail Instruction. |
Find details and a state transition diagram from JS7 - Order State Transitions
When performing operations on Cyclic Orders then all Orders in the cycle are subject to the same operation, i.e. to cancel/suspend the Order or to Modify modify Order Variables.
File Orders
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