How can I transfer files from a DB server to an external server and then return them to the DB using a 'middle' server?
This Page is Still 'Work in Progress'
In more detail:
- Start a database procedure to generate an exchange file and transfer this file to a "middle" server.
- Determine the size of the transfer file on the middle server and use a script to transfer this file to an external server.
- Process data on the external server and confirm that the result file have been generated before starting a script on the middle server to transfer the file from external server to the middle one.
- After the script in step 3 has finished transferring the file from the external server, start a database procedure to import the transferred file to the database.
In particular, I want to know how to invoke remote script and DB procedure? I checked the document in your official website but didn’t get any clue about this. Can jobscheduler fulfill our requirement?
There are several ways to implement such a scenario.