Flowchart |
JobA1 [label="Job A1",fillcolor="lightskyblue"] JobA2 [label="Job A2",fillcolor="lightskyblue"] JobA3 [label="Job A3",fillcolor="lightskyblue"] JobB1 [label="Job B1",fillcolor="orange"] JobB2 [label="Job B2",fillcolor="orange"] JobB3 [label="Job B3",fillcolor="orange"] JobC1 [label="Job C1",fillcolor="lavender"] JobC2 [label="Job C2",fillcolor="lavender"] JobC3 [label="Job C3",fillcolor="lavender"] JobA1 -> JobB1 [label=" start job chain B "] JobA1 -> JobA2 [label=" skip job chain B "] JobB1 -> JobB2 -> JobB3 JobB3 -> JobA2 [label=" continue job chain A "] JobA2 -> JobC1 [label=" start job chain C "] JobA2 -> JobA3 [label=" skip job chain C "] JobC1 -> JobC2 -> JobC3 JobC3 -> JobA3 [label=" continue job chain A "] |
Parallel Processing Job Chain Pattern
'Split & Sync
' or 'Split & Join'
- Two Job Chains B and C are executed in parallel and are controlled by the initiating Job Chain A.
- The initiating Job Chain A splits execution into two Job Chains B and C.
- The execution of Job Chain B and C is synchronized and Job Chain A is continued.