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Download: JS7 - Download (Section: Unix Shell ClICLI)


Invoking the script without arguments displays the usage clause:


  • health-check
    • Performs a health check and returns status information for each JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agent instances.
      • When used with the --agent-id option, filters the indicated. Agents. More than one Agent ID can be specified separated by comma, for example: --agent-id=agent1,agent2.
      • When used with the --agent-state option, allows to filter Agents by state.: COUPLED, RESETTING, RESET, INITIALISED, COUPLINGFAILED, SHUTDOWN, UNKNOWN. More than one Agent state can be specified separated by comma, for example: --agent-state=COUPLED,COUPLINGFAILED.
      • When used with the --agent-cluster switch, limits the scope to clustered Agents.
      • When used with the --no-hidden switch, limits the scope to Agents that are not hidden.
      • The health check will return exit code 0 for a healthy environment and exit 2 for an unhealthy envirornment.
    • Checks the scenario of host shutdown when used with the --whatif-shutdown option. The option takes a hostname. More than one hostname can be specified separated by comma, for example:, The check implies verifying if the JS7 scheduling environment will remain operational in case that the given host or hosts will be shut down.
  • version
    • Returns version information of JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agents.
      • When used without options, the JOC Cockpit version will be returned.
      • When usiedf When used with the --controller-id option, the version of the indicated Controller will be returned.
      • When used with the --agent-id option, the version of the indicated Agent will be returned. If a Cluster Agent is specified, then version information for included Director Agents and Subagents will be returned in JSON format.
    • When used with the --json switch, information about included Controllers and/or Agents will be returned in JSON format.
  • switch-over
    • Shifts the active role to the Standby JOC Cockpit instance.
  • restart-service
    • Allows to restart JOC Cockpit proxy services when used with the --proxies switch.
    • Allows to restart JOC Cockpit background services. One of the following services must be specified using the --service-type option:
      • cluster, history, dailyplan, cleanup, monitor
    • JOC Cockpit background services will run based on events (cluster, history, monitor) or based on schedules configurable with JS7 - Settings (dailyplan, cleanup). To force a background service to start immediately the run-service command can be used.
  • run-service
    • Starts JOC Cockpit background services. One of the following services can be specified using the --service-type option:
      • dailyplan, cleanup
    • JOC Cockpit background services will run based on schedules configurable with JS7 - Settings (dailyplan, cleanup). The run-service command will force immediate execution of the service.
  • check-license
    • Checks which JS7 - License is available with JOC Cockpit and if it is valid for a predetermined period.
      • The Open Source License is valid for any period of time and will not expire.
      • The Commercial License can be perpetual or can be valid for a limited subscription period.
    • The --validity-days option specifies the number of days before expiration of the Commercial License. Default: 60 days.
    • Exit codes of the license check include: 
      • Exit code 0 signals a valid license for the period specified.
      • Exit code 2 signals an expired license or an inapplicable license check if the Open Source License is used.
      • Exit code 3 signals a valid license that is about to expire within the number of days specified.
  • get-settings
    • Returns JS7 - Settings in JSON format.
    • Users can modify settings using the jq utility and can update settings using the store-settings command.
  • store-settings
    • Updates JS7 - Settings in JOC Cockpit. 
    • Users can read settings using the get-settings command and can modify settings using the jq utility before updating settings.
  • report-daily-plan
    • Returns Daily Plan information about orders.
    • Users can filter results
      • by workflows, folders and recursive processing of sub-folders,
      • by specifying Daily Plan dates, for example use of the --date-from="2024-12-09" --date-to="2024-12-09" options limits results to the given Daily Plan date range,
      • by tags, for example using the --tag=ScheduledExecution,MutualExclusion option for workflows and the --order-tag=Important,Critical option for orders,
      • by specifying one or more Daily Plan order states, for example using --state=PLANNED,SUBMITTED.
    • Results are returned in JSON format. Users can specify the --csv switch to receive output in CSV format.
  • report-order-history
    • Returns history order information.
    • Users can filter results
      • by workflows, folders and recursive processing of sub-folders, 
      • by specifying the order history's date range, for example --date-from="2024-12-09 08:00:00" --date-to="2024-12-09 14:00:00" will limit results to a period of 6 hours on the given day.
        • If dates are not specified in the UTC time zone, then users can indicate the applicable time zone using for example the  --time-zone=Europe/London option.
        • The following examples for Unix using bash shell calculate the UTC date independently from the machine's time zone:
          • begin of current day: --date-from="$(TZ=Etc/UTC;date +'%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')"
          • begin of previous day: --date-from="$(TZ=Etc/UTC;date --date="1 day ago" +'%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')"
          • begin of next day: --date-to="$(TZ=Etc/UTC;date --date="+1 day" +'%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')"
      • by specifying tags similar to the report-daily-plan command,
      • by specifying one or more history states, for example using --state=SUCCESSFUL,FAILED.
    • Results are returned in JSON format. Users can specify the --csv switch to receive output in CSV format.
  • report-task-history
    • Returns history information about job executions.
    • Users can filter results
      • by workflows, folders and recursive processing of sub-folders,
      • by specifying the task history's date range similar to use with the report-order-history command,
      • by specifying tags similar to the report-daily-plan command,
      • by specifying one or more history states, for example using --state=SUCCESSFUL,FAILED.
    • Results are returned in JSON format. Users can specify the --csv switch to receive output in CSV format.
  • encrypt
    • Allows to encrypt a value using the --in option. If used to encrypt a file then --infile and --outfile options must be specified.
    • The --cert option specifies the path to a file holding the Certificate used for encryption.
    • Encryption is performed by Java libraries that are looked up in the ./lib sub-directory of the  JS7 Unix Shell CLI. For details see JS7 - Encryption and Decryption.
  • decrypt
    • Allows to decrypt a value using the --in option. If used to decrypt a file then --infile and --outfile options must be specified.
    • The --key option specifies the path to the Private Key used for decryption. If the Private Key is protected by a password, then the --key-password option or switch must be specified.
    • Decryption is performed by Java libraries that are looked up in the ./lib sub-directory of the JS7 Unix Shell CLI.
