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- Download and Upload buttons are provided to manage the JSON representation of settings.
- Find an example for download: global-setting.json
- The JSON representation does not include default values that are provided by JOC Cockpit. Instead, it only includes modified values.
- Settings are organized in the following sections:
- The section includes settings used by the JS7 - Daily Plan.
- The settings for this section are described in the JS7 - Daily Plan Service article.
- The section includes settings that are applied when purging data during JS7 - Database Maintenance.
- The settings for this section are described in the JS7 - Cleanup Service article.
- The section includes settings used for notifications by JS7 - Log Management.
- The settings for this section are described in the JS7 - Log Notification Service article.
- The section includes general settings for operation of JOC Cockpit.
- The settings for this section are described below in the JOC Cockpit Settings section of this page.
- The section includes settings for use with Git integration.
- The settings for this section are described in the JS7 - Inventory Git Integration article.
- The section includes settings that are managed per user.
- The settings for this section are described below in the User Settings section of this page.
- The name and default value is displayed for each setting.
- The value of a setting can be modified after clicking the pencil icon .
- Clicking the icon removes an updated value and the default value becomes active again.
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