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Reports are created from predefined Report Templates. The templates individually implement which data will be processed when creating a report. Report Templates can be parameterized with the number of hits and the sorting (highest/lowest). At this stage It is not possible for users to create their own implementations for reports.
Find below the list of Report Templates that ship with JS7.
Reports are created from a Java class that can be configured to use Java options. It is recommended to use the -Xmx<number><unit>
option option to limit memory usageJava heap space consumption. The default value is -Xmx64M
., see JS7 - Settings.
The memory usage Memory consumption depends on
- the Report Template,
- the frequency: short frequencies such as a weekly interval will consume
- The report template
- The frequency, where frequencies with small interval like weekly consumes less memory than frequencies with large intervals like yearly.
- The value for "hits".
- long frequencies such as a yearly interval,
- the value for the number of "Hits",
- the The value for "Step overlapOverlap", where : small values consumes will consume more memory. The step overlap Step Overlap is configured for the templates "Top n periods with highest/lowest number of workflow/job executions" Report Templates.
- The the duration of job/workflow runs for the templates "Top n periods with highest/lowest number of workflow/job executions" Report Templates.
- The the number of different distinct workflows/jobs, that are considered in the for counting, e.g. for example for the number of failed workflows.
- Then the number of different agents for distinct Agents in reports based on the template "Top n Agents with highest/lowest number of parallel job execution"The setting is made in the setting JOC section with the item "report_java_options"executions" Report Templates.
Example: The A report for based on the template "Top n periods with highest/lowest number of workflow/job executions" Report Template will consume more memory when using the frequency "Yearly" instead of "Monthly" or with a step overlay Step Overlap of 1m instead of 60m.Find below the list of Report Templates that ship with JS7.
Report Templates
Report Template: Top n workflows with highest/lowest number of failed executions