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Workflow Name
: A workflow is assigned to which an order is added per incoming file.Agent
: An Agent is assigned that performs file watching. Standalone Agents and Agent Clusters can be assigned. In an Agent Cluster the active Director Agent performs file watching, Subagents do not perform file watching.Directory
: The directory that the Agent watches for incoming files. This setting expects JS7 - Expressions for Variables, if a string is specified it should be quoted using single quotes.- Unix: A path can be specified such as
- Windows: A path can be specified with backslashes or forward slashes such as
- Unix, Windows: OS environment variables can be used that are known to the Agent, for example from its Instance Start Script. Environment variables and constant strings can be concatenated using the
operator and considering quoting for constant strings like this:- Unix:
env('HOME') ++ '/incoming'
- Windows:
env('TMP') ++ '/incoming'
- Unix:
- Unix: A path can be specified such as
: The pattern to match an incoming file is not a wildcard expression such as *.csv, instead it represents a Java Regular Expression.
The pattern has to match the path of an incoming fileDisplay feature availability StartingFromRelease 2.1.0
- .
The pattern has to match the name of an incoming file..Display feature availability StartingFromRelease 2.5.0 - Consider the following examples:
- match any files:
- match files with a .csv extension:
- match files that end with a date in yyyy-mm-dd format:
- match any files:
: The delay in seconds for which a file is checked to be stable and does not change its size or timestamp. This guarantees that only files are picked up that have been completely written.
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