Page History
- Use of Standalone Agents:
- is available to Open Source License holders and to commercial license holders.
- for details see JS7 - Management of Standalone Agents.
- Use of Agent Clusters:
- is available to commercial license holders,
- Clustered Agents include
- Agent Director instances that
- require license keys to be assigned individually,
- see JS7 - How to apply a JS7 License Key.
- Subagents that receive license information from a Director Agent and do not need a license key to be added.
Development Status:
- Subagent Cluster:, see
Jira server SOS JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 6dc67751-9d67-34cd-985b-194a8cdc9602 key JS-1954 Display feature availability StartingFromRelease 2.2.0 - Director Cluster see
Jira server SOS JIRA columns key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution serverId 6dc67751-9d67-34cd-985b-194a8cdc9602 key JS-1955 Display feature availability StartingFromRelease 2.36.0
The architecture is explained with JS7 - Agent Cluster. For the planning of Agent Clusters see JS7 - Strategies for Agent Clustering.
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