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Install-JS7Controller.ps1 [-HomeDir] <String> [[-Data] <String>] [[-Config] <String>] [[-Logs] <String>] [[-User] <String>] [[-ControllerId] <String>] [[-Release] <String>] [[-Tarball] <String>] [[-Patch] <String>] [[-Jar] <String>] [[-LicenseKey] <String>] [[-LicenseBin] <String>] [[-InstanceScript] <String>] [[-BackupDir] <String>] [[-LogDir] <String>] [[-ExecStart] <String>] [[-ExecStop] <String>] [[-ReturnValues] <String>] [[-DeployDir] <String[]>] [[-ControllerConf] <String>] [[-PrivateConf] <String>] [[-HttpPort] <String>] [[-HttpsPort] <String>] [[-PidFileDir] <String>] [[-PidFileName] <String>] [[-ControllerPrimaryCert] <String>] [[-ControllerSecondaryCert] <String>] [[-JocPrimaryCert] <String>] [[-JocSecondaryCert] <String>] [[-Keystore] <String>] [[-KeystorePassword] <SecureString>] [[-KeyAlias] <String>] [[-Truststore] <String>] [[-TruststorePassword] <SecureString>] [[-JavaHome] <String>] [[-JavaOptions] <String>] [[-StopTimeout] <Int32>] [[-ServiceDir] <String>] [[-ServiceFile] <String>] [[-ServiceName] <String>] [[-ServiceCredentials] <PSCredential>] [[-ServiceStartMode] <String>] [[-ServiceDisplayName] <String>] [-Active] [-Standby] [-NoInstall] [-Uninstall] [-ShowLogs] [-MakeDirs] [-MakeService] [-MoveLibs] [-RemoveJournal] [-Restart] [-Abort] [-Kill] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
Required? | false |
Position? | 43 |
Default value | |
Accept pipeline input? | true (ByPropertyName) |
Accept wildcard characters? | false |
-Active <SwitchParameter>
Specifies the Controller instance to initially take the role of the active Controller instance in a Controller Cluster.
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default value | False |
Accept pipeline input? | true (ByPropertyName) |
Accept wildcard characters? | false |
-Standby <SwitchParameter>
Specifies the Controller instance to initially take the role of a Standby the standby Controller instance in a Controller Cluster.
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default value | False |
Accept pipeline input? | true (ByPropertyName) |
Accept wildcard characters? | false |